Biblical Counseling Training Options

We'd love to help you get started on your biblical counseling training journey.

In-Person Conferences

Join us for in-person training from ministry professionals who have a wealth of expertise in fields related to biblical counseling, training, and ministry.

Virtual Conferences

Join us virtually for instructor-guided online training in the spring, summer, fall, and winter for all tracks of our biblical counseling training.

Online Courses

Training Tracks, Counseling Observation Videos, & Preconferences:  all available in a self-guided virtual format on-demand at any time you wish.

In-Person Conferences

Join 2,000+ attendees at our premier annual conference, one of our eleven-week Monday Foundational Training Class sessions, or one of our regional conferences in your area.

  • Biblical Counseling Training Conference (BCTC): our annual February conference offering seven varied and intensive tracks of training.
  • Preconference: an exciting, one-day event on the Saturday prior to the BCTC
  • Monday Training: Track One Foundational Training on 11 consecutive Mondays in the spring, summer, or fall in Lafayette, Indiana.
  • Regional Conferences:  in-person training - at a city near you - from ministry professionals who have a wealth of expertise in fields related to biblical counseling

All of these options provide valuable in-person instruction from a certified teacher who is actively doing biblical counseling ministry, electronic versions of all notes and handouts, 30-day virtual access to all lectures for on-demand viewing, and the opportunity to purchase a hard copy of the notebook, if applicable, at an additional cost.

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February 8, 2025

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February 9, 2025

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February 28, 2025

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March 21, 2025

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Virtual Conferences

Join us virtually for instructor-guided online training in the spring, summer, fall, and winter for all tracks of our biblical counseling training.

During one week in February, or on one weekend for three consecutive months, a certified biblical counseling trainer who is actively counseling others in a local church setting will guide the learners through the lectures. During that time, you can interact with the instructor online and participate in real-time Q&A sessions.

If you choose to register for an instructor-guided online conference, you will receive electronic versions of all notes and handouts, the opportunity to purchase a hard copy of the notebook at an additional cost, plus 30-day virtual access to all lectures for review at your convenience.

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June 7, 2024

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September 13, 2024

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February 8, 2025

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Conference Heading

February 9, 2025

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June 7, 2024

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Conference Heading

September 13, 2024

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Online Courses

To begin your biblical counseling journey, you can take any of our seven tracks in a self-guided virtual format on-demand at any time you wish. Some of the tracks are available in both English and Spanish.

The Online Courses training option gives you 30-day virtual access to all recorded lectures and electronic copies of all available notes and handouts. Please note that rentals are for a single user only (you) and are not to be shared with others. "Watch parties" are permissible, however, if all of the attendees have rented the course.

There are three different categories of training available through this option:

  1. Counseling Observation Videos led by seasoned biblical counselors
  2. Training Tracks from the Biblical Counseling Training Conference
  3. Preconference Sessions on various biblical counseling related topics

Counseling Observation Videos (2024)

Counseling is personal. There is only so much you can learn in a lecture. Once one absorbs the content of the lecture there remains the challenge of ministering God’s truth in a wise way to a hurting person. The best training occurs as an experienced counselor allows a trainee to watch, then participate, then lead. We realize this ideal is not always possible. Since so many were helped starting in 2003 when our first set of observations videos came out, we decided that the Lord might be honored with another set. These eleven videos are not ends in themselves. Watch them, think about what you saw, and evaluate. Care about the case details, but widen your gaze to see the larger process elements involved. As you do, we hope that the Lord encourages and strengthens you for this wonderful opportunity to minister his sufficient Word to hurting souls. Dr. Steve Viars counsels “Josh and Selena” struggling in their marriage. Hurts from prior relationships continue to influence their present. They are concerned that angry responses and a bitter heart will result in more chaos. Will this be another broken marriage? Dr. Amy Baker counsels “Ella.” Ella developed an emotional relationship with a co-worker. Before she had opportunity to confess it to her husband, he died suddenly. She is now consumed with guilt. How can she move forward? Dr. Rob Green counsels “Addison.” Addison struggles with pornography. He also endured significant suffering with his health that continues to influence his present. At the same time, Addison is not the most receptive counselee. How can we minister to resistant counselees while also caring well for them? Dr. Charlie Hodges counsels “Ashish.” Ashish says he is depressed. What does it look like to help a person in this life situation?
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Track 1: Foundational Training (2024)

Track 1 equips learners with the basic tools and knowledge necessary to minister the Word personally. Many will find this training helpful in their individual relationship with Jesus, their own relationships, and in their ministry to others. Track 1 demonstrates how biblical counsel is based on the sufficiency of the Scripture and it is application for Spiritual growth. This training satisfies the training requirement for ACBC certification . Participants will learn the key elements for personal ministry as well as receive introductory teaching on the heart in the sanctification process. We will teach about Other common counseling issues including biblical communication, roles in marriage, anger, and depression.
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Videos de Observación de Consejería Bíblica (2018)

Esta serie de capacitación ofrece la oportunidad de observar 10 sesiones de consejería bíblica en video digital dirigidas por cuatro consejeros bíblicos certificados por la ACBC.
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Track S1: Formación básica

Este módulo (Track) capacita a los participantes con el conocimiento y las herramientas básicas necesarias para ministrar la Palabra de forma personal. Muchos encontrarán esta capacitación útil tanto para su relación individual con Jesús, su ministerio para con los demás, así como sus propias relaciones personales. El Track S1 (Módulo S1) demuestra cómo el consejo bíblico se basa en la suficiencia de las Escrituras y su aplicación para el crecimiento espiritual. Los participantes aprenderán los elementos claves para el ministerio personal, así como una introducción a la enseñanza sobre el corazón en el proceso de la santificación. También enseñaremos sobre otros problemas comunes en consejería, tales como la comunicación bíblica, los roles en el matrimonio, la ira y la depresión. Esta capacitación cumple con los requisitos necesarios para el proceso de la certificación de la Asociación de Consejeros Bíblicos Certificados (ACBC por sus siglas en inglés).
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Ready to counsel biblically?

Equipping ministry professionals and lay leaders - through in-person and virtual training - to skillfully, confidently, and lovingly minister God's Word to those looking for answers.